Ann Marie Schneider

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PROJECTS - art+landscape 

  • West Duwamish Wet Weather Storage Facility, Seattle, WA.  Role:  Artist.   Developing large-scale integrated public art for King County’s newest stormwater facility that will reduce overflows and pollution that currently discharge into the Duwamish River.  Construction expected to start in 2025.

  • Totem Lake Urban District Major Gateway Art, Kirkland, WA  Role: Artist & Arts Consultant,  Outreach and Planning Client: City of Kirkland, Funded by grant award from 4Culture. Public art for gateways of the Totem Lake Urban District, including creation of artwork, district plan for artwork installations, and public engagement.

  • Non-Native, Temporary site-specific installation, Seattle, WA.  Role: Artist  Client: Seattle Parks and Recreation, Camp Long Park. Funded by Tech-Specific grant award from 4Culture Creation of 1,200 digital LED ‘fireflies' programmed to mimic male and female communication of photinus pyralis. 

  • Fritz Hedges Waterway Park, Seattle, WA  Role: Associate Designer  Firm: Walker Macy, prime Client: Seattle Parks and Recreation. 2020 WASLA Public General Design Merit Award. New park design through construction administration for new urban waterfront park; including landmarks process, public outreach, interpretive design/art integration, wayfinding, planting design, and shoreline remediation and reconstruction. Featured on a Seattle Channel video

  • Galaxy Glow Garden, Festival of Flowers Installation, Portland, OR.  Role: Artist & Designer Firm: Walker Macy Client: Pioneer Courthouse Square. Galaxy inspired temporary garden installation of 20,000 plants designed for both day and nighttime enjoyment at the May 2020 Festival of Flowers - rescheduled for 2022.

  • Mosaic Garden Steel Gates, Chatham University, Eden Hall Sustainability Campus, Pittsburgh, PA. Role: Artist & Designer Firm: Mithun, prime. Five 8'x8' weathered steel gates evoking site-specific geologic and hydrologic patterns for campus sustainability demonstration garden.

  • Lure, Terry Maple Courtyard, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Temporary installation. Role: Artist & Designer . Firm: Mithun, prime. Catenary canopy comprised of thousands of mylar fishing lures locally fabricated into lines.

  • Work | Play on Alaskan Way Installation, Seattle, WA. Role: Artist & Designer Firm: Mithun Collaborators: Cara Hoyler and Nick Spang of Social Scale Media. Temporary, interactive, data integrated installation exploring the transformation of Seattle's working waterfront. Time lapse by Nick Spang:

  • Spun Tracks Installation, Philadelphia, PA. Role: Artist. Collaborator: Kate Farquhar. Temporary time-based interactive installation for Park(ing) Day of string and dimensional lumber exploring Philadelphia's industrial ruin aesthetics in contrast with planned urban renewal. 

  •  Kubota Garden Stormwater Study, Seattle, WA.  Role: Associate Designer Firm: Walker Macy, prime. Clients: Kubota Garden Foundation and Seattle Parks and Recreation. Initial phases of analysis and coordination for stormwater improvements to Kubota Garden with team of civil and geotechnical engineers and hydrologists for integration with park design improvements and public outreach.

  • Albany Waterfront Redevelopment Plan, Albany, OR.  Role: Associate Designer Firm: Walker Macy, prime. Client: City of Albany. Master plan design development and documentation for redesign of six acre waterfront park, 1.5 miles of waterfront trail, and 14 blocks of waterfront streetscape.

  • Seattle Asian Art Museum, Seattle, WA.  Role: Associate Designer Firm: Walker Macy, sub to LMN Architecture. Client: Seattle Asian Art Museum. Oversaw design construction administration of park improvements during building redesign, including heritage tree coordination and protection.

  • Tacoma Theater District Improvements, Tacoma, WA.  Role: Associate Designer Firm: Walker Macy Client: Pierce Transit. Concept development for interim art and landscape improvements to transit plaza over structure.

  • Pioneer Square Historic District Urban Plan and Park Designs, Seattle, WA.  Role: Associate Designer Firm: Walker Macy, prime. Client: Alliance for Pioneer Square. Design and management oversight on three projects – Pioneer Square Parks and Gateways Plan and advanced schematic design for two nationally landmarked parks from the plan, Pioneer Square Park & King Street Station.

  • Framing Pioneer Square Temporary Installation. Role: Artist & Designer Firm: Walker Macy Client: Alliance for Pioneer Square. Three temporary public engagement installations for Park(ing) Day. Materials were reusable and donated to local artists after the installation.

  • Volunteer Park Amphitheater, WA.  Role: Associate Designer Firm: Walker Macy, sub to ORA Architecture. Client: Seattle Parks and Recreation. Concept development for interim art and landscape improvements to transit plaza over structure.
  • Civic Center Playfield Master Plan and Schematic Design, Edmonds, WA.  Role: Associate Designer  Firm: Walker Macy, prime Client: City of Edmonds. Design and management of Master Plan through design documentation for transformation of 8-acre playfields into a signature downtown park.

  • Lake2Bay Street Concept Plan. Seattle, WA. Role: Associate Designer Firm: Walker Macy, prime. Client: Seattle Parks Foundation Design and management of visionary public realm plan linking Lake Union, Seattle Center, and Elliott Bay through progressive streetscape and transit transformations, integrated open space, and public art.

  • Perot Family Offices Turtle Creek, Dallas, TX. Role: Associate Designer Firm: Mithun, prime. Client: Perot Family Designer on five acre riparian site with integrated architecture, outdoor plazas and gardens, and public trail amenities. Designed sculptural limestone water feature inspired by local geology.
  • 1111 Plaza, Seattle, WA. Role: Associate Designer Firm: Mithun, prime. Public plaza and transit stop over structure with custom aluminum and wood benches and planters that transmit integrated light patterns.

  • Sun Valley District Redevelopment Master Plan, Denver, CO. Role: Associate Designer. Firm: Mithun, prime. Client: Denver Housing Authority. Managing and collaborating with consultant team on innovative and comprehensive Eco-District redevelopment plan for Denver's lowest income district.

  • Washington Capitol Campus Rain Garden, Olympia, WA. Role: Associate Designer. Firm: Mithun, prime. Stormwater management demonstration garden at entrance to historic state capitol campus.

  • Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education (SCEE) Master Plan Role: Designer. Firm: Salt Design Studio, prime. Client: SCEE. 325 acre landscape plan including visitor center grounds and access improvements, restoration areas, multi-modal trail nodes and public art planning.

  • Beeber School Annex Community Center Conceptual Design, Philadelphia, PA Role: Designer (pro-bono) with Community Design Collaborative Client: Wynnefield Overbrook Revitalization Corporation. Concept design vision for repurposing a 33,000 SF site and vacant school annex into a community center for a neighborhood facing economic and crime challenges.

  • Mt. Moriah Historic Cemetery Preservation Corporation, Philadelphia, PA Role: Site Planning and Board Member. Strategic planning and landscape analysis for 200 acre historic cemetery in low-income urban neighborhood.

  • Association for Public Art, Philadelphia, PA Role: Intern. Site analysis for existing public art installations plus digital archive reorganization.

  • Green Cities Clean Waters, Philadelphia Water Department, Office of Watersheds, Philadelphia, PA Role: Intern. District analysis and site concept design for schoolyard in city-wide green infrastructure planning effort.


•    Creative Consultancies Grant, 4Culture, Totem Lake Urban District Major Gateway Art. 2019.

•    Tech Specific Artist Grant, 4Culture, for “Non-native,” art installation at Camp Long Park, Seattle. 2016.


“Drawing Dialectical Landscape:  It's About Time.”  Drawing in Design, Winter Quarter Lecture and Workshop:  University of Washington College of Built Environments, Department of Landscape Architecture.   January 2022.  Class had record attendance from both students and faculty.

“Designing Dialectical Landscape:  It’s About Time,” article, LA+ Journal,  cross-disciplinary publication; University of Pennsylvania, “Time” Issue, Fall 2018.

“Experiencing Information: Information Aesthetics + Landscape Experience,” article, RMIT Kerb Journal, Issue 23, Digital Landscapes, Fall 2015

“Trajectories, Cycles, Data and Narratives: Information Aesthetics in Landscape Architecture,”presentation(s), Seattle Design Festival Conference, September 2014

“A New Aesthetic for the Post-Super Storm World,” panel presentation and discussion with Scott Miles, Director, Resilience Institute, and Terry Doss of Biohabitats, Living Futures Conference, May 2014

“Project Management for Arts Non-profit Administrators”, invited presenter, Carnegie Mellon University, Center for Arts Management & Technology, October 2007



2024 Square Deal:  50 Artist for a Fair Vote II, ‘57 Biscayne, Seattle, WA

**2022 Deep Time, West Seattle Q1 2022 featured artist, Molly's, Seattle, WA

2021 Rue de Cerise Art Wall, Good Arts, Seattle, WA

2020 Square Deal: 50 Artists for a Fair Vote, '57 Biscayne, Seattle, WA

2019 You Are Here, Too, curated by Jane Richlovsky, Good Arts Gallery, Seattle, WA

2012 Greater Measures: Portals of Geologic Time, juried honors exhibition, A+D Museum, Los Angeles, CA, Arid Lands Institute: Drylands Design in Age of Change.

**2008 BIO, print works and gallery installation, Images Gallery, Chicago, IL

2007. Image*n, Images Gallery, Chicago, IL

**2006 Self Image, print works, Images Gallery, Chicago, IL

2006. Interim, juried exhibition, Gallery Mornea, Evanston, IL

2006. Waypoints, Images Gallery, Chicago, IL

**2004 Ukiyo-e , print works, Images Gallery, Chicago, IL


The Block Project, Facing Homelessness, Seattle, WA, volunteer Landscape Designer
Forterra, Seattle, WA., Volunteer Art Installation / Designer
Volunteer, Technology Access Foundation, Tacoma
Community Design Collaborative Philadelphia, Landscape Design Volunteer
Philadelphia Association for Public Art, PennDesign Graduate student work-study
Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago. Business analysis and e-commerce project plan
Green Cities Clean Waters, Philadelphia Water Department, Office of Watersheds, Philadelphia, PA Role: Intern
Business Advisor Volunteer, Arts and Business Council, Chicago


Masters of Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Bachelors of Fine Arts
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Certificate in Alternative Design
Archeworks, Chicago, IL

Associates of Photography (AAS), Kodak honor scholar
Media Institute, LCC, Lansing, MI

© Ann Marie Schneider, Schneiderwerks LLC, all rights reserved