Ann Marie Schneider

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A series of durational prints that capture the  microscopic process of spore dispersal over time.

The xx Hours Adrift (xHA) project utilizes the process of fungal dispersal to create unique printed media that reveal microscopic and otherwise invisible worlds that play out over time. The work is one of several cross-disciplinary projects underway to explore ‘creative engagement with duration’ as a critical concept in furthering the relational, dialogical, and experiential nature of ‘dialectical landscapes’ (see my article in the Time issue of LA+ Journal).

1.   49 hours Adrift (1802042-2)
2.  48 Hours Adrift (1802042-1)
3.  70 Hours Adrift (1802042-4)
4.  49 hours Adrift (1802042-2)

All are Russula ‘brevipes’ spore print on 11”x15” Arches Card


© Ann Marie Schneider, Schneiderwerks LLC, all rights reserved